Tax Consultancy

Tax & VAT Registration Services:

Advise upon the required procedure to obtain TAX & VAT registration in ZATCA portal.

Advise the company to determine and prepare the required data and documents for ZATCA.

Submit the required documents and data on ZATCA portal, on behalf of the company and inform if any other requirements are needed.

Keep the company informed of all the developments which might affect you Zakat & Tax position.

VAT Monthly/Quarterly Filing:

Advise you (Monthly /Quarterly) on VAT online return filing thorough ZATCA portal account.

Preparing the (Monthly /Quarterly) MS Excel return file by the figures taken from the company.

Review the VAT data received with the trial balance and advise the company of differences.

Limited audit of samples of VAT output and input invoices and transactions.

Advise and work closely with your accounting department to prepare and filing of the VAT return.

Review and file the online approved VAT return on your behalf through the ZATCA portal.

Review, assist, and advise in submission of additional ZATCA’s VAT queries, if any, on your behalf.

WHT Monthly/Annual Filing:

Advise you (Monthly) on WHT online return filing thorough your ZATCA portal account.

Advise and work closely with your accounting department to prepare and filing of the monthly WHT return.

Review and file the online WHT return on your behalf through the ZATCA portal.

Update the company of the applicable KSA double tax avoidance treaties (“DTT”) and notify the company of any DTT that can be applied.

Reconciliation, preparation, and submission of the Annual Withholding tax form.

Annual Zakat & Corporate Income Tax Services (up to SAR 1 million Revenue):

• Review, advise, and filling of Income Tax return (to Zakat Tax & Customs Authority - ZATCA).

Assistance in compiling the schedules to be submitted along with the tax return. This would include liaising with your staff and assisting in the preparation of the filing package.

• Review and advise the amount of Income Tax due and inform you of the date(s) of payment and current filing requirements of the ZATCA.

• Review and submit Income Tax return on your behalf , to the ZATCA as prepared by you based on our advice.

Tax Retainership:

· Advise on queries that may be raised by the Company on direct and indirect tax & zakat related matters, whether such matters related to KSA taxation, through call and email.

· Our advisory will cover maximum 15 queries every month.

· Opinion required on letterhead shall be charged separately and discussed on case to case basis.

· Meeting Visit required by senior management will be charged separately.

· Any visit required outside KSA, expenses shall be borne by your company and would be charged as out of pocket.

Tax & Zakat Advisory Services

Application of Double Taxation Treaty Implementation upon WHT:

· Clarify the legal and procedural bases to apply DTT.

· Review the agreement to identify the nature of service and the supporting documents required.

· Determining reduced WHT rate under DTT convention, based on the category of the service.

· Drafting authorization letter to represent the company with Zakat and Tax & Custom Authority (“ZATCA”).

· On behalf of the company, submit the needed documents to the ZATCA, and follow up with the ZATCA for any needed clarifications and explanations.

· Inform the company of any additional documents required by the authority.

ZATCA Additional Requirement Assistance:

· Assist in preparation of the needed additional data and documents requested by ZATCA for Additional requirement.

· Providing format on which data requested by ZATCA.

· Review for the needed explanations for the ZATCA requirements.

· On behalf of the company file the needed requirements to ZATCA within statutory period.

· Follow up with ZATCA about needed clarifications.

· In case of additional assessments will be issued by the ZATCA, it will be treated and charged separately.

Updating ZATCA Account Information:

· Advise you of the requirements to update the ZATCA account.

· Review the provided information and compare the shareholder percentage with the legal document.

· Submit the documents on your behalf to ZATCA and follow up with the authority to update the ZATCA portal.